Polymerised Non - Shrink freeflow high strength grout



Supergrout - NS is a combination of selected modified polymerand a range of hyper pulverised to granuler filler compound. It is designed to dissolve in a homogenous creamy grouting compound when mixed in water. Modified polymer is imparting the non - shrink charachter to the filler compounds and an easy free flowing feature in any specific gravity as per target requirement.


1) Single Component

2) Easy Mixing

3) Volume remains unchanged after hydration

4) Easy free flow quality helps reaching remote capilaries and cavities.

5) Specially formulated to possess maximum workability imparting maximum strength.


1) Rehabilitation of distressed structures

2) Re - strengthening of columns, beams, piers, silos, tunnels, canals, ramps etc.

3) O.H/U.G water tanks, swimming pools and other water bodies.

4) Cracks filling over horizontal/ vertical concrete surface upto the complete depth (Non - dymanic)

Application Instruction:

Grout ports should be anchored immobile by chiseling(not by drilling)suitable cavities and fixing by 'RAPISET-3' mortar to withstand high pressure of 2 to 4 Kg/Sq.Cm. To avoid pilferage of costly grout, delivery hose shall be throughly tightened to the threaded groutports and neighbouring groutports shall be capped to avoid oozing out wastage. Mixing ratio of the grout in conjuction with water shall be 1 PBW . However specific gravity can be adjusted accoding to the target use and substrate conditions.


It is hazardous to presume quantum of consumption of any grout material as length and width of capillaries and cavities inside the substrate cannot be mapped by visual inspection. However for the purpose of rought estimate NDT is recommended wherever viable. Applicator with their skill and experience can workout a rough quantity for the purpose of commercial bid.


Technical Data:

Form Light grey pulverised powder.
Bulk Density typical 1200 Kg/m³
Chloride Nil
Maximum particle size typically 0.1 to 0.3 mm
Volumetric stabilisation +1.2%



20 Kg. / 30Kg. / 50 Kg. jerry cans / Moisture proof sacks